Public telephones are provided for your use in the student center. You are not permitted to use the College’s telephones for personal calls. You are cautioned against having family and friends call during class time since you will be called out of class only to receive emergency messages.

Central Carolina Technical College’s faculty, 工作人员, and administration support an effective learning environment by placing a limitation on the use of electronic devices such as cell phones and pagers. Students are not allowed to have their cell phones or pagers in an “active” mode that will create a noise or disruption to the class, 实验室, or clinical environment during the instructional time under any circumstances unless a college emergency exists, and the student needs security or assistance. 除了, if a student chooses to leave the classroom, 实验室, or clinical environment to receive a call or respond to a pager, the student may be counted absent unless prior arrangements have been made with the instructor, and/or it is later determined that a bonafide emergency existed. Emergencies generally involve serious medical situations, 事故, and incidents where a person’s presence or communication is crucial. The use of laptop or notebook computers is at the discretion of the faculty member but may be allowed for instructional purposes. Individuals who violate this policy may be subject to disciplinary action.